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Monday, July 25, 2016
Stars Above - Marissa Meyer (Review)
Author: Marissa Meyer
Publisher: Feiwel and Friends, 2016
Genre: YA Fantasy, YA Retellings, YA Fairy Tales
My Review
I've never been one to read the novellas between books. I just am not a fan of short stories. I sometimes feel it's just superfluous information, and once a series is finished, it just doesn't make sense to tell stories of what happened before the book because, well, we know what happened in the end. The only novella that I actually felt added to the stories was Undivided, the fifth book in the Unwind Dystology by Neal Shusterman. However, now I can add another book to the list: Stars Above.
This was awesome. Though some of the stories were about events we knew about, they were fresh and original. I personal loved Glitches, The Princess and The Guard, and The little Android. Oh, and of course the final story, Something Old, Something New. The other stories were nice, but not necessarily ones that I couldn't live without. Carswell's Guide to Being Lucky was cute. The Keeper was informative. The Queen's Army just made me crazy with trying to picture what Wolf looks like after they alter him in Winter. He was so handsome before, and it's just hard to imagine a wolf-like face while still looking human. Sometimes I wish I had illustrations from Meyer herself so I can see what she sees when she writes these characters.
There's really no way to review the stories without spoiling them, so I'll say that most are set in the past...we have a story featuring Scarlet's grandmother Michelle, a story about Cinder's first arrival in the Linh house, and a story about Wolf being recruited to the army. We have a story about Carswell as a boy, a story about Cress and the origins of her placement into the satellite, and a wonderful story of Winter and Jacin as they grow up. Finally, there is a story about an android that falls in love with a human, a story from Kai's perspective of the first meeting between him and Cinder, and a story about a wedding...but I won't reveal whose.
Is it Classroom Appropriate?
All of Meyer's books in the Lunar Chronicles are appropriate. I used Cinder in a lesson plan because it is a perfect example of a modern-day fairy tale retelling. There's no sex, no swear words, and lots of warm and fuzzies. But there's also lots of adventure in the series. It's a great collection of stories, and I plan to use them in my classes. I honestly haven't met anyone that doesn't like the Lunar Chronicles, and that's good because I would think there was something seriously wrong with them.
Age Range:
I would say you could go as young as you want to on these books, as long as the reader can follow the plot. The books are big, and there's 4 of them: Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Fairest, and Winter. Then of course there's this little collection of short stories. I think the only limitation would be reading level. Cinder rates as 12 and up with a Lexile score of 790L on Lexile.com.
End Result:
Read the series. It's worth every minute. And the covers are beautiful. Meyer is coming out with another book this fall about the Queen of Hearts. She's got high expectations after what she's accomplished with this series, so hopefully she'll be able to pull off another amazing saga. We'll just have to wait and see.
<a href="https://teacherofya.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/img_00101.jpg"><img width="1000" height="1507" alt="" src="https://teacherofya.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/img_00101.jpg" title="" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-87"></a>
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Strain of Resistance - Michelle Bryan (Review)
Author: Michelle Bryan
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016
Genre: NA Dystopia, NA Science Fiction
**I received a copy of this book free from the Author in exchange for an honest review**
This review can also be found at TeacherofYa's Wordpress and TeacherofYa's Tumblr
My Review:
Whoa. That was a crazy ride. Like, for real. I was expecting a little more YA, but that book is definitely a New Adult book. I guess it just took me by surprise.
The book centers around Emma Bixby, or just Bixby as she prefers to be called. She comes from an alcoholic father and an enabling mother. We are introduced to her at the age of 12, and one night a strange crystallized dust scatters over the town. Bixby is attacked by it but skipped over, and when she runs home, her father has killed her mother...but it's no longer her father. Some sort of alien-like worm protrudes from his mouth, and Bixby is forced to kill him. She is found days later by other survivors who are immune to the alien plague.
We see her again eight years later, now a complete badass. The cover image is supposed to be her: the tattoos disguise a face-long scar from the night when her dad attacked her. She cusses like a sailor and refuses to get close to anybody...because the last boy she loved disappeared on a run. She casually sleeps with Luke, but she runs from his declarations of love. She, along with so,w other survivors, live in an old hotel called the Grand, and she fights what they call "the leeches" to protect themselves. Other bands of people called Ravagers are cannibals that seek out fresh meat. The world has become a dangerous place.
One day they get a distress call from their fellow traders at St. Joseph's hospital. The first wave of people to go check out the situation don't come back. This forces Bixby and others to see what is going on: the radio message last said that there were monsters, not leeches or Ravagers. What they come up against is a new evolution of the infected...a new "strain" of alien AND human DNA. They can reason. And speak. And all they want is to feed off the survivors of the first wave of infection.
It's pretty creepy and scary. It would make one hell of a horror movie. I'm still a little shook up by it.
Is it Classroom-Appropriate?
Oh, hell no. There's so much swearing, and not just "shit." Full on "F-word" status here, along with some creative uses of other swear words. There's even an instance of a word that sounds like "wussy." I'll leave it up to that to convey the level of language. Then there's the sex. Not as explicit as an adult erotica novel, but one scene we get blow-by-blow coverage. Yeah...this book would never enter a classroom of mine. So I must say the NA tag on it is appropriate. Do not confuse this for YA like I did, and like some NA can be. This is strictly for adults.
Age Range:
Um....18 and up? I guess that's a little too conservative of me. Probably at least 16 and up. Not for the young ones. Be prepared when reading this: this is NOT YA. If you remember that, you should be good to go. I did not, so I was surprised suddenly by it all.
End Result:
I enjoyed it. It ends with a painful cliffhanger that leads you to want to know what's going to happen next, so I couldn't put this series down now if I tried. I don't see a release date on the next installment, so it's a waiting game. It was hard for me to rate this one. I wanted to keep reading it, but I was left with a lot of questions about the aliens and the rest of civilization. Maybe that will be addressed in book two...maybe not at all. Bixby's character was pretty interesting: she's devastated by a loss, so she refuses to get close again. A little bitchy for me. But apparently it's part of her harm in Luke's eyes. The amount of crap she dishes out to him, and he just takes it....well, it just boggles my mind. I'm going to go with 3.5/5. On Goodreads,chat means I'll have to round up and do four stars. So for star rating systems: ★★★★☆. For all other intents and purposes: ★★★ and a half.
<a href="https://teacherofya.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/img_00081.jpg"><img width="333" height="500" alt="" src="https://teacherofya.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/img_00081.jpg" title="" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-71"></a>
I will say this for the book, though...stunning cover. Absolutely stunning.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Daughter of Smoke & Bone - Laini Taylor (Review)
Title: Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Book One)
Author: Laini Taylor
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company, 2011
Genre: YA Celestial Fantasy, YA Paranormal
My Review:
It's easy to say you enjoyed or didn't enjoy a book. I've been fortunate enough to be on a good book streak...and it's probably because I'm reading books I've been dying to read for a long time, and are still popular enough to be checked out of the library and hard to obtain. I received this one by pure fate; I had abandoned the idea of ever reading this because it was impossible to find the first book in the series available. But one day, I walked in and it was there. And it was incredibly lucky that I found it, because I was starting to think it wasn't meant to be.
I'm so glad I did find it, too. The book has elements of traditional YA fantasy in that there are "angels" and "demons," good vs evil. But what Taylor does to make it wholly original is blur the lines between good and evil: are demons bad because they are demons? Are angels good because we believe they are G-d's soldiers? The book makes you think: and it definitely has more twists and turns than many of the genre.
Karou, a 17 year old Prague art student, has a strange family. She sketches their pictures and classmates think she is just imaginative. Her hair is blue, but they believe it's dyed that way. And the palm of her hands bear the eyes of hamsas, but they think they are simply interesting tattoos. Karou doesn't lie, but the students and even her best friend think that she's just whimsical and silly. But the truth is stranger than fiction: her family are chimeræ, monsters that are half man-half animal. Her hair is blue because she wished it to be. And her hamsas...well, she doesn't know where they came from because she's always had them.
On occasion Karou must run errands for Brimstone, the eccentric goat man that is a member of her foster family. He dispenses wishes to the desperate in exchange for teeth. There's also three others that live in Brimstone's shop, and only Karou is allowed in...because she was raised by them. One day, though, scorched handprints appear at the doorways to all the portals that open to Brimstone's shop. Karou thinks nothing of it (mainly because she knows very little about Brimstone and the chimeræ), but when an angel starts following her and attacks her, she starts to wonder what is really going on with her foster monsters. And her biggest question that has haunted her all her life begins to beg an answer: who is Karou? Why is an angel following her? And what does Brimstone do with the teeth she brings him?
It's a pretty trippy ride. And Karou's life is a big blank for most of the book, but we get to go on the journey of self-discovery with her...and the answers we get are nothing we could possibly fathom. It definitely takes you by surprise.
Is is Classroom-Appropriate?
I'm having a hard time finding books that are usable in the classroom lately. This, sadly, is still not one of them. Though brilliant in its execution and plot, there are words right off the bat that are adult in their use; Brimstone tells Karou that she should keep her life free of "inessential penises" after she breaks up with her boyfriend. So right off the bat, there's no way that the sexuality in the book is appropriate for a high school class setting. However, it's filled with funny situations and wordplay, and it would definitely make a good read for recreational purposes.
Age Range:
This is a tough one. The conservative in me thinks 15 minimum. But the more relaxed part of me thinks that because it's not explicit sex and just more allusions to the act, that the reader could be as young as 13 and still not get warped by the book. I have yet to read the next books in ten series, but they are en route from the library so it won't be long. But to err on the side of caution, I would just average the age to 14 and say that's the minimum (just to be safe).
End Result:
I can't believe I'm giving another book five stars. ★★★★★! I must be just lucky, and I'll get a horrible book next...Ugh. Taylor surprised me, and I look forward to seeing what happens to Karou and the chimeræ and Akiva. It has a cliffhanger ending. I won't be satisfied until I know what is to become of my blue-haired heroine.
<a href="https://teacherofya.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/img_0006.jpg"><img width="577" height="640" alt="" src="https://teacherofya.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/img_0006.jpg" title="" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-45"></a>
Monday, July 18, 2016
Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi (Review)
Author: Tahereh Mafi
Publisher: HarperCollins, 2012
Genre: YA Dystopia, YA Fantasy
My Review:
Killing time isn't as difficult as it sounds.I can shoot a hundred numbers through the chest and watch them bleed decimal points in the palm of my hand. I can rip the numbers off a clock and watch the hour hand tick tick tick its final tock just before I fall asleep. I can suffocate seconds just by holding my breath. I've been murdering minutes for hours and no one seems to mind.
Adam stares at me so long I begin to blush. He tips my chin up so I meet his eyes. Blue blue blue boring into me. His voice is deep, steady. "I don't think I've ever heard you laugh."He's so excruciatingly correct I don't know how to respond except with the truth. My smile is tucked into a straight line. "Laughter comes from living." I shrug, try to sound indifferent. "I've never really been alive before."
The sun is an arrogant thing, always leaving the world behind when it tires of us.The moon is a loyal companion.It never leaves. It's always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Everyday it's a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human.Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.
Friday, July 15, 2016
Die For Me - Amy Plum (Review)
Title: Die For Me (Die For Me #1)
Author: Amy Plum
Publisher: HarperTeen, 2009
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
My Review: I was hesitant to read this series...was it another vampire story? A Twilight reimagined? A regurgitation or amalgam of the most popular books and flavors of the month? I'm glad to say it wasn't...and yet, it kind of was. Let me explain... Katie and Georgia are orphaned after their parents are killed in a car accident (is it just me, or do a lot of people's parents seem to die in books that way?), and the sisters are whisked off to France to stay with their grandparents. Fortunately for them, they've summered in Paris all their lives so they speak the language. Georgia, the oldest, seeks solace in the company of new friends and a lower drinking age. Katie, on the other hand, withdraws into books (sounds like me!) and museums to escape her pain. A chance encounter with a handsome (of course!) French boy with mysterious comings and goings turns into a date...but how can Vincent possibly like plain old Kate? (Yep, it's one of those "I'm not pretty, but every boy seems to think differently" kind of books) When Kate, while doing homework for History class, comes across an obituary photo of Vincent and his friends in a decades old newspaper, she learns that Vincent is a revenant: essentially he cannot die because he's already dead. Oh, and to complicate dating even more, he has the mission to save others from death's door and sacrifice himself...because he can die over and over again. Kate wants to run screaming in the opposite direction, but ever since she's met Vincent she feels alive again. Can Kate make it work, or should humans and zombies just not mix?
I am a sucker for these kind of books. I'd love to say, "Oh my gosh, it's the Plain Jane insta-love story again!" But I can't. I think I have a guilty pleasure. Some people have a secret obsession with traditional Harlequin-type romance novels, or just love John Green books...I apparently love this kind of story. I know, I'm pathetic.
Is it Classroom-Appropriate? Yes, but there's not much academic value to the book. It's a trilogy, and you can bet your sweet bippy I'm going to read the rest, but this book is purely for recreational purposes only. It would literally be like trying to use Twilight in the classroom. "Ok students, today we are going to talk about the significance of Edward's sparkling skin when he's in sunlight...what's the message Meyer is conveying here?" Yeah, that's not gonna fly. Just say guilty pleasure and move on. This is free time only, folks.
Age Range: I'd say 13 and up. It's very PG, because Vincent is a "gentleman," which is another amazing phenomenon in these types of books, but I actually think it coveys a good message for teens to wait on the adult activities. No sex. No swearing. Just passionate kisses and some sword action (and I mean an actual sword!). Let the teens read it: it's harmless.
End Result: I can't give it the full five stars, because it's a little predictable. But I can honestly give it ★★★★☆. Probably on an accurate scale, 3.75/5 stars. But I round up. So the four stays. I'd recommend it to fans of Twilight obviously, but also fans of books like the Hush, Hush series by Fitzpatrick or maybe Vampire Academy (I'm just guessing because I've never read those, but they seem like paranormal romance to me). If you're totally just burned out on Mary Sue + untouchable God man = "insta-lurve" as my friends call it, then skip it. Plum's After the End is a lot better, and fits more into a fantasy/dystopian story with no insta-anything. It's quite good, and I've checked out the sequel at the library. So that's my two cents. Do with it what you will... Gotta admit though: this is one of the most beautiful covers I've ever seen. I'm telling you right now, people DO judge a book by its cover...it's what drew me to it.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Prince of Shadows - Rachel Caine (Review)
Title: Prince of Shadows
Author: Rachel Caine
Publisher: New American Library (NAL), 2014
Genre: YA Historical Fiction, YA Retellings
My Review:
Though not seemingly a hefty book (at 351 pages), the book is densely written in prose reminiscent of Shakespeare. Most books only take me a day to read, and if interrupted, two days max. This book took me three days because of the heavy prose. And what makes me pleased about this is that it’s a YA book! This book could be read by adults! I feel that this book needs to be read by someone with a sharp attention span…because it is well worth the time invested into reading it.
Essentially, this is a Retellings of Romeo and Juliet told from Benvolio’s POV, which is a fresh change. We see the madness of love from his eyes as his cousin Romeo acts foolishly after seeing Juliet at a party…and after writing love poetry to the convent-bound Rosaline for weeks before he meets Juliet. Mercutio plays a heavy role in this: after seeing his lover hanged (yes, in this version Mercutio loves Tomasso, a young man of the Parrish), he places a curse on both Capulet and Montague, though the Montague curse was accidental. I can’t go more into the story without ruining it, but we see that Benvolio is solely responsible for Romeo, the Montague heir, and while pulling him from one Capulet (Rosaline), Romeo is instead thrust to another (Juliet), and thereby starts a chain of events that brings the Bard’s original tale to life. What we witness as well is Benvolio acting as the Prince of Shadows, a thief writing wrongs for those who cannot help themselves, and Benvolio accidentally stumbles onto Rosaline…and from there, another Montague and Capulet are pulled toward each other.
Is it Classroom-Appropriate?
Totally. This could be a companion to Shakespeare’s version, or a text to use during a Shakespeare study. I’d like to think this could be used in lieu of the traditional story: it has all the elements, is written with quotes directly from the original play, but keeps the audience cautioned against the hasty love instead of seeing it as romantic doomed love. I think it coveys the true spirit of Shakespeare; many read the play and find the joint suicide romantic…but was it meant to be so? Caine tells the same tale, but shows us a real, developed love over a fevered passionate one that cannot be true. Caine shows us the folly of Romeo & Juliet when interpreted by youth.
Age Range:
I would say Freshman level English and up. Quality writing, but it might be too cumbersome for a younger reader to get through. And it definitely will appeal to an older audience as well. I think Shakespeare fans will appreciate the justice done to the original play.
End Result:
★★★★★. A thrilling read. Patience is required. Time is required. But I will use this in any Shakespeare unit in the classroom. Caine is a brilliant writer and did her Shakespeare homework. Instead of a sad tale, this one is much brighter and colorful. I recommend to all teachers!! And, of course, all fans of well-written YA.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
The Adoration of Jenna Fox - Mary E. Pearson (Review)
Title: The Adoration of Jenna Fox
Author: Mary E. Pearson
Publisher: Henry Holt & Co, 2008
Genre: YA Science Fiction, YA Dystopia
My Review:
I don’t know why I put off reading this book for so long. Probably because I had no real idea what the book was about, so I was worried I would be wasting my time. I really thought it was just a YA Contemporary Fiction, and those are just not up my alley. I prefer fantasy or science fiction when reading YA…honestly, if I wanted contemporary fiction, I could read anything. But I like the choices YA writers make when they write science fiction or fantasy or dystopian literature. So that’s my niche.
Jenna Fox wakes up believing that she has been in a coma for over a year, but things just aren’t adding up. First of all, she has no memories of the accident that put her in the coma in the first place. And what’s even worse is that she has no memories of anything to do with being Jenna Fox. She has no attachments to her mother and father though she knows she should. She has no friends coming to visit…but that can also be caused by the sudden move from Boston to California. And Jenna’s room is completely blank, except for a desk, a bed, and a closet filled with four almost identical outfits. As secrets are revealed (and I’ll tell you right now: it’s pretty easy to figure out what’s going on if you’ve read enough sci-fi…I guessed right away, but I won’t spoil it for others), Jenna Fox begins to understand why there are so many gaps. And why she really doesn’t feel any connection to the girl she once was.
Is It Classroom-Appropriate?
Yes, this is a book I’ll be bringing into the classroom. This book brings up many relevant questions for students today; mainly it asks questions about bioethics and the lengths we go to when preserving life. Should we give all the authority to the doctors and pharmacists, or should their be a government watchdog group that monitors all health-related problems, like an ethics committee? (Personally, I say no, but that’s my opinion) This book can really start conversations and arguments, and can be used in a dystopian unit, or because is it short enough (roughly 265 pages), it could be a supporting text in an argumentative paper unit. It could stand alone as an anchor text. There is no swearing. No sex. Very PG. The only themes are themes of identity and self-worth. Definitely a spiritual aspect regarding the possession of a human soul vs a sociopath. I encourage teachers to consider this for middle to high school classrooms.
Age Range:
I would say this book is appropriate for ages 12 and up. There’s nothing too advanced or racy, and it has an ending that makes you think. Younger readers will enjoy solving Jenna Fox’s mystery, and older readers will be touched by the depths Pearson goes when writing about the human spirit and social relationships.
★★★★★. I’m on a good book streak apparently. I know there are two more novels in this series, and I plan to read them. The themes Pearson addresses are rich enough to explore in a sequel, so I look forward to reading “The Fox Inheritance.” I loved Pearson’s other series, “The Kiss of Deception,” “The Heart of Betrayal,” and the third book that’s due out August 2nd. I am a die-hard Pearson fan now. She’s a brilliant writer who really flushes out the character in her protagonists. And thank you, Jenna Fox, for telling us readers that we don’t have to be perfect to be happy. And we don’t have to fear mortality because life is an adventure…not a second-guessing game.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Deadgirl: Ghostlight - B.C. Johnson (Review)
Title: Deadgirl: Ghostlight (Sequel to Deadgirl)
Author: B.C. Johnson
Publisher: Curiosity Quills, 2016
Genre: YA Fantasy, YA Paranormal
**I received a copy of this book free from NetGalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review**
My Review:
Johnson has taken me for a ride, and I loved every minute of it. His two novels, “Deadgirl” and “Deadgirl: Ghostlight” have been so entertaining that I got through them in a marathon read. He could continue to add to the story with future editions and I would read them all. In creating Lucy Day, the protagonist, he has created a superhero that I can cheer for.
I will warm you now: I am reviewing a sequel, and in doing so, will be giving away spoilers from the first novel. I recommend you either read the original novel first, or read my review of the original novel first, before continuing to read THIS particular review. Ok, you’ve been warned…
When we left off in the last novel, Lucy Day has figured out that she is a phantom. She is essentially a soul, bare to the world, and must feed off memories and emotions to survive. In order to avoid hurting others, she has discovered that objects retain the essence of the previous owner’s memories, and is able to sustain herself safely. Her friend Daphne, wild and colorful, was the mysterious text-sender that saved Lucy’s behind on multiple occasions. It turns out that Daphne can see Fate, but cannot interfere. However, since Lucy has no Fate technically (the deceased have no lifeline), she can save the people Daphne knows are in danger. The two team up, and as Lucy discovers her abilities and strengths, she continues to struggle with the weakness left behind from losing Zack. Her broken heart must heal…but when she saves a sexy blonde bad-boy from the wheels of Fate, it seems as if Lucy Day might have a chance at finding love again.
Is it Classroom-Appropriate?
The first book, “Deadgirl,” was a lot tamer, but it still wasn’t a book I could foresee using in the classroom. It was more of a teen (or fan of YA) read at home…and I’m saying the same for “Deadgirl: Ghostlight.” This one in particular is more inappropriate for the classroom. I’m not saying it’s bad in any way, but there is sex. And swearing. Some definite adult themes are at play in this novel. (There is an attempted suicide scene that is very emotional, but it is not gory or horrific). There are, in both books, the implied rape of a character, and Lucy herself is attacked by rapists; however, the scenes are, I feel, intended more for effect than for offense. The swearing is done also in the spirit of comedy.
Age Range:
I would still go with my original grouping from the first book and say 13 and up. The sex scene is not explicit, just implied, and the swearing is minimal. There is more on TV than in this book. I would think the benefit of girl power and strength, and the lessons about self-esteem and self-respect are important for teens to read.
End Result: I once again give Johnson’s book ★★★★★. I would love more of Lucy and her adventures. Johnson didn’t leave it off with a cliffhanger, but he also didn’t do that with the first novel…so maybe there is more for Lucy in the future. I certainly hope so. I would love to read more about the funny girl who can save her friends and be witty without being crude. I could see this novel becoming a movie. And I would be first in line to see it. I hope others get to experience the witty, sharp-minded, goofy, and unbelievably endearing Lucy, the funniest and spunkiest dead girl you’ll ever read about.
"We can help people, Lucy,” Daphne said. “Like the Avengers, but with better racks.”
“Scarlett Johansson was in the Avengers,” I reminded her.
"Well, okay. better than most of them anyway."
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Deadgirl - B.C. Johnson
Author: B.C. Johnson
Publisher: Curiosity Quills, 2014
Genre: YA Fantasy, YA Paranormal
**I received a copy of this book free from the Author in exchange for an honest review**
My Review:
It took me about halfway through the book to understand really what was going on…and it was frustrating. But it was also worth it. It was definitely worth the patience, and though I didn’t know what was going on, I couldn’t put the book down. I was submerged in the depths of Johnson’s prose. It was an awesome experience.
Essentially, the story starts with Lucy Day, a 15 year old, running for her life from five truly evil-looking guys. When Lucy is shot in the stomach, they take off and leave her there. Lucy is transported to a gray ocean landscape, and wonders if she’s in Hell. However, she wakes up on the asphalt and sees that, though there is still blood from a wound, she is alive. Or undead. She’s not really sure. She goes about explaining her incident to the police and her parents, conveniently leaving off the “getting shot” part, and tries to resume her life. She picks up with Zack, the boy from her date, and her crush for as long as she can remember, but weird things start to happen: whenever she goes to sleep, she wakes up on the gray beach, a strange phantom ball of light is following her at night/a strange man is following her during the day, and she keeps getting helpful texts from a stranger. Oh, and she slowly starts to get so cold that she steals warmth from those around her, leaving them in a stupor. What exactly is going on? Who is hunting Lucy? And more importantly, is Lucy dead? A ghost? What IS she?
I cried at the end. Literally cried, and a book hasn’t made me cry in awhile. There’s a scene that breaks your heart…but I don’t do spoilers, so I’ll leave it out. You’ll just have to read it yourself.
Is it Classroom-Appropriate?
This is a tough one, so I’m going to say it’s not “classroom relevant.” There’s only one swear word, a “F*** it” said by Zack, and the other words are just “effing,” which is not a swear word. No sex. A kiss or two. But there’s nothing to use it for in the classroom. Way more of an at-home novel, and it’s a good one.
Age Range:
I would say 13 and up…the one swear word isn’t that shocking for a teenager. I mean, it’s just one. The rest of the book is very relatable to teens. I’d let my niece read it. Well. Maybe next year, when she actually turns 13. Then I’ll let her.
End Result:
I only read Deadgirl because I received a copy of the sequel from NetGalley, Deadgirl: Ghostlight, without realizing it was a sequel. I messaged the author via Goodreads and he was kind enough to give me a copy of the first book so that I could understand the book I’m reviewing for NetGalley. I’m giving it ★★★★★. I am going right to the sequel to see what happens next…and I’m recommending it to my friends. If you want a truly original story, with a protagonist that actually talks and thinks like a normal human being (and is quite funny, at that), then I would say grab a copy. No stilted dialogue. No boring over-descriptions. No fast-paced confusing action scenes. Just a book that you can’t put down because you want to know: what happened to Lucy Day?
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
20 Ways to Know that You Were Born to be a Writer
Read this if you've ever wondered if you could do it...and be successful. I've always wanted to be a writer. The signs match up. I plan on writing my own YA novel. Check out this list and see if you recognize any of the signs!
Monday, July 4, 2016
Hello All!
I myself am a big fan of YA Dystopia, Fantasy, and Science Fiction. I am an active member on Goodreads and am a mod of the YA Dystopian Book Club (come check us out!)
I will be adding links as the page is still under construction...so in the meantime if you are interested in reading some good reviews, please visit my Goodreads link or my Tumblr link until this page is fully up and running. I would estimate any day now! (A lot goes into making a blog, and I never realized it, lol)
So for now, I leave you with this tonight (and I plan on always leaving a thought at the end of my posts):
READ! If you are out of practice, take a little time every day and just read until you cannot pay attention anymore. I was out of practice for so long, and missed out on so many awesome books. You will not be able to read the whole book in one sitting if you haven't read for awhile. It's like a muscle; it atrophies. You gotta work it out to keep it in shape. So for the reluctant readers out there, just give yourself some time. Don't get frustrated. Eventually, you will be in reading shape again and you will drink books up like a thirsty desert dweller.
You'll get there. Keep at it.
Until next time...and I will be back!